公演・口頭論文- 13. 2017
タイトル 地震力に対する機器・配管系の弾塑性応答評価法(弾塑性応答スペクトルを用いた多自由度系の動的解析)掲載誌 日本機械学会論文集
論文No. 83巻850号査読 refereed
- 12. 2017
タイトル A study about the effectiveness of seismic safety improvement by installing viscoelastic dampers at piping systems and components掲載誌 Proceedings of 2017 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP2017)
論文No. 49033544DOI
査読 refereed
- 11. 2017
タイトル Acceptance criterion of ductile failure and plastic collapse for safe-shutdown earthquakes using nonlinear dynamic analysis掲載誌 Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
論文No. PVP2017-66056査読 Not refereed
- 10. 2017
タイトル Significance and overview of basic safety principles on earthquake engineering for nuclear power plants掲載誌 Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2017
論文No. -DOI
査読 Not refereed
- 09. 2017
タイトル Evaluation method for seismic fatigue damage of plant pipeline掲載誌 Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
論文No. PVP2017-65596査読 refereed