公演・口頭論文- 28. 2021
タイトル Protection of piping systems against operational vibration and seismic excitation by means of viscoelastic fluid dampers掲載誌 Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
論文No. -査読 Not refereed
- 27. 2020
タイトル Categorization of Seismic Loadings for Components and Piping Systems掲載誌 Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
論文No. PVT-19-1065査読 refereed
- 26. 2020
タイトル Categorization of seismic loadings for structures掲載誌 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
論文No. 2b-0180DOI
査読 refereed
- 25. 2020
タイトル Effect of peak excitation frequency on seismic fatigue damage of plant pipelines掲載誌 Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
論文No. PVP2020-21407査読 refereed
- 24. 2020
タイトル Characteristics of dynamic loading obtained from braced piping support under sinusoidal shaking condition掲載誌 Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
論文No. PVP2020-21816査読 refereed