Reserch thesis
Lectures & Oral presentations- 13. 2017
Title Evaluation methods of elastoplastic response of components to earthquake motions (Dynamic Analysis of MDOF Systems using elastoplastic response spectrum)Journal Transacting of the JSME
Journal no. Vol.83,No.850referee Refereed
- 12. 2017
Title A study about the effectiveness of seismic safety improvement by installing viscoelastic dampers at piping systems and componentsJournal Proceedings of 2017 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP2017)
Journal no. 49033544DOI
referee Refereed
- 11. 2017
Title Acceptance criterion of ductile failure and plastic collapse for safe-shutdown earthquakes using nonlinear dynamic analysisJournal Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
Journal no. PVP2017-66056referee Not refereed
- 10. 2017
Title Significance and overview of basic safety principles on earthquake engineering for nuclear power plantsJournal Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2017
Journal no. -DOI
referee Not refereed
- 09. 2017
Title Evaluation method for seismic fatigue damage of plant pipelineJournal Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
Journal no. PVP2017-65596referee Refereed