Reliable technology

for a safe future



We support the foundation of safe and stable energy supply
through technical proposals for safety evaluation and
seismic design of power plants.

Business Fields

・Seismic design and support of equipment and piping systems of large plants, etc. We propose and implement seismic design and support for equipment and piping systems based on the Technical Regulations for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants (Japan Electric Association) and the Standards for Seismic Design of High Pressure Gas Facilities (High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan), etc.

・Probabilistic safety assessment and support for external hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis We propose and conduct probabilistic safety assessments and provide support for plant external hazards based on the Code of Practice for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Earthquakes at Nuclear Power Plants (Atomic Energy Society of Japan) and other standards.

・Assessment of aging technology and its support We propose and implement technical evaluation of plant aging and its support based on the Criteria for Implementation of Aging Management Measures for Nuclear Power Plants (Atomic Energy Society of Japan) and other standards.

With 30 years of experience in seismic design and aging technology evaluation, we are able to offer the most up-to-date and optimal solutions to our clients.
We believe that we can apply our knowledge and experience in the field of earthquake resistance to other plant facilities as well, although our representative, Dr. Tamura, has cultivated his skills and knowledge in the field of nuclear power plants. We will work closely with those who are leading the field in industry and academia, and will earnestly tackle the issues you are facing in terms of safety and cost. Please feel free to contact us for any other projects not mentioned above.


Thanks to the support of many of you, we are now in the second year since our establishment. During this period, some areas were affected by the earthquake and tsunami. We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those who are still forced to live in evacuation shelters, and our sincere appreciation to all those who are working hard for the recovery and reconstruction of the affected areas.
Surrounded by the sea on all sides, Japan is a resource-poor country, and power plants, fuel storage facilities, and large plant facilities are generally located in coastal areas. Therefore, it is always necessary to be prepared for major earthquakes and tsunamis. We provide the best earthquake-resistant technology to ensure that, in the event of an emergency, the lives and livelihoods of local residents and workers at large plant facilities are not threatened, and that the facilities themselves can withstand the disaster.
Since my days working for an electric power company, I have had a fundamental desire to support people's lives through the stable supply of energy. In addition, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, I studied earthquake-resistant design in depth in a doctoral course at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and based on this experience, I will do my best to serve you with passion and technology.


Ichiro Tamura

Dr. Engineering
Representative, WILLOW TechSolutions,Ltd.

About career

Ichiro Tamura was born on March 3, 1969. He graduated from Tsukuba University with a degree in science in March 1991 and got a master’s degree in physics in 1994. He joined The Chugoku Electric Power Company (Energia).

Dr. Tamura’s career has been specialized in the safety of nuclear power plants. After joining the company, he was assigned to the department responsible for the safety of nuclear power plants. Subsequently, he went on secondment to Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation and later held positions as the facilities officer and seismic group manager at the Shimane Nuclear Power Plant. In the pursuit of advancing his expertise in these roles, he earned a doctoral degree in engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in March 2018. After serving as the Head of the Nuclear Management Department, Dr. Tamura retired from Energia in September 2023.

In addition to working as a company employee, Dr. Tamura actively participates in international conferences such as SMIRT and ASME, and engages in presenting papers in journals.

Currently, Dr. Tamura serves as the CEO of WILLOW Techsolutions (WILLTECH), a company he founded. In addition, he holds the position of visiting professor at Tokyo City University. He is actively contributing to the promotion and development of safe nuclear technology from both practical and academic perspectives.


Research thesis

  • 38. 2024
  • Title Response spectrum analysis using unidirectional seismic motions effective to excite natural modes
  • Journal Nuclear Engineering and Design
  • Journal No. Volume 425, 15 August 2024, 113315
  • DOI

  • Referee Refereed
  • 37. 2024
  • Title Sensitivity study on model parameters for seismic analysis of suppression chamber
  • Journal Transactions of the SMiRT 27
  • Journal No. Division V
  • DOI


  • Referee Not refereed
  • 36. 2024
  • Title Outline of seismic-induced flooding probabilistic risk assessment for nuclear power plants
  • Journal Transactions of the SMiRT 27
  • Journal No. Division VII
  • DOI


  • Referee Not refereed
  • 35. 2024
  • Title Fatigue damage in straight pipes of NPPs due to design seismic ground motion
  • Journal Transactions of the SMiRT 27
  • Journal No. Division V
  • DOI


  • Referee Not refereed
  • 34. 2024
  • Title Confirmation of conservativeness for lumped-mass stick model against three-dimensional finite element model of reactor building coupled equipment model
  • Journal Transactions of the SMiRT 27
  • Journal No. Division V.
  • DOI


  • Referee Not refereed
  • 33. 2022
  • Title Inelastic response evaluation method of equipment considering peak broadening of response spectrum
  • Journal Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
  • Journal No. PVP2022-83745
  • DOI

  • Referee Refereed


Lectures & Oral presentations

  • 22. 2014
    • Title Shaking table test and analysis of safety related piping for extreme PGA
    • Conference 9th Nuclear Plants Current Issues Symposium (2014)
    • No. -
    • DOI

  • 21. 2014
    • Title Reliability of low Seismic Class Equipment Based on Seismic Experiences of NPPs
    • Conference IAEA/ISSC Meeting on Selected Topics in Seismic Safety (2014)
    • No. -
    • DOI